Sales Tax Calculator

Provide your street address, city, state, and zip code to calculate sales tax.
TaxHero’s sales tax calculator will look up the sales tax rate for your area.
Sales tax amount = N/A
State 0.00%
County 0.00%
City 0.00%
District(s) 0.00%
The TaxHero sales tax calculator provides a combined sales tax rate based on a full address lookup. A complete address ensures precision since ZIP codes may cross different tax jurisdictions. Results are for reference and may need additional context for compliance. Contact us today for a demo and learn how TaxHero can support your business.
Sales Tax FAQs

Sales Tax Questions

What is sales tax? +

Sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by the state and/or local governments on the sale of goods and services. It’s a percentage of the sale price that’s added at checkout. Learn more.

How to calculate sales tax? +

To find out the sales tax on a purchase, start by determining the item or service’s price. Next, multiply this price by the combined sales tax rate for your area (state, county, city, and district rates). View formula.

What states don’t have sales tax? +

Five US states don’t charge state sales tax: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon. However, it’s important to note that while Alaska does not have a statewide sales tax, local municipalities have the option to levy their own sales taxes. Learn more.

How to find sales tax rate? +

To determine your sales tax rate, you have two options: use our online sales tax calculator or by looking up the rates in our comprehensive rate table that includes state-specific tax information. View table.

How to do sales tax? +

If your business activities create a taxable presence, or nexus, in a state, you must obtain a seller’s permit to collect and remit sales tax. Each state will assign you a filing frequency—monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually—along with specific due dates for your tax returns. Ensure timely filing to avoid penalties. Learn more.

What is TaxHero? +

TaxHero is an All-Inclusive Sales Tax Solution offering full-stack, worry-free management at a one-price package. We handle all your sales tax needs, from registration to returns filing, and are tailored to fit your ecommerce business perfectly. Schedule a demo.