What Is Sales Tax Used For?

  • General
Learn what sales taxes pay for in your state | TaxHero
Sales tax is a crucial source of revenue for governments at different levels, and understanding what sales tax pays for is essential to comprehend public services and infrastructure funding. Sales taxes are vital in financing various aspects of society, including education, healthcare, transportation, public safety, and more.
Where does the collected sales tax go? What is sales tax used for? This blog sheds light on how paying sales tax improves communities and provides citizens with necessary resources.

What is Sales Tax?

Sales tax is a consumption tax the government imposes on retail or online sales. Every business, including ecommerce retailers, is responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax to the government.
State or local governments can impose a sales tax in their respective jurisdictions, and businesses must comply with the relevant requirements. The definition of taxable items and sales tax rates vary among states, so you must understand them before beginning your business.

Importance of Sales Tax

Sales tax is an important component of government revenue. Usually, people are reluctant to pay income or wealth taxes and try to hide their finances. At the same time, they pay sales tax indirectly and find it comparatively more straightforward than other types of taxes.
The sales tax collected from the consumers is used for the betterment of the citizens. States with well-managed tax collection systems grow their economy exponentially. For instance, Florida’s robust sales tax collection system generates steady economic growth.

What do Sales Taxes Pay for?

Most states imply a variety of taxes besides sales tax, such as income tax, use tax, wealth tax, and others. Governments usually collect the revenue from all taxes and use it collectively to finance different projects. It serves as the backbone of state and local government budgets.
Here is how states usually spend sales tax.

The General Fund

Many states create a general fund, pooling the funds collected through sales tax and other taxes. A significant amount of sales tax goes into the general fund. The government uses this fund to finance various developmental projects in the state. Every state has a different plan for the allocation of the general fund. Usually, they spend this fund on the following:
  • Infrastructure improvement: Infrastructure improvement includes projects related to building and repairing roads, transit systems, water pipes, waste facilities, and others. It results in ease of transit and mobility for the people. 
  • Betterment of transportation facilities: Public transport makes life easier for people. The general fund is spent on enhancing transportation facilities and their affordability for the general public. 
  • Recreational facilities: The government can spend general funds on improving recreational facilities such as public parks. As a result, people can strengthen their community relations. 
  • Fire department development: The fire department plays a significant role in protecting the lives and properties of people through firefighting. The tax is spent on getting the latest equipment, providing training, and improving the services of this department.  
  • Police department development: The police department aims to provide a safe and secure environment to the public. The government uses the sales tax revenue to develop the police department to provide better public security services. 
  • Public schools: Education is one of the most important concerns of governments, and they use tax revenue to improve public education facilities. The development of new schools and the improvement of existing schools are the focus of the general fund. 
  • Provision of healthcare facilities: Local and state governments ensure that the citizens get the best healthcare facilities when needed. They use tax revenue to improve emergency healthcare and other medical care projects. It includes the provision of free or subsidized healthcare facilities and health insurance. 
  • Sustainability projects: Another vital area is environmental safety. The government spends the general fund on projects that promote environmental sustainability. They may run awareness campaigns, conduct training programs and seminars, or provide alternative products that create environmental carbon footprints.
Besides these projects, the government may spend the sales tax on other activities promoting individuals’ social and economic security. Mass awareness programs, training facilities, seminars, and workshops are also a part of government expenditures.
Some states allocate a significant portion of the general fund for healthcare facilities while others for educational facilities. The difference in allocation depends on the specific needs of the states.

Special Allocations

Sometimes, the government may decide to spend the sales tax on projects other than the general allocations. In such a situation, they pass a bill through the legislature to allocate the sales tax for a specific project. This may result in local and state governments temporarily increasing the sales tax rate to finance special projects.
Some states have a separate fund allocated for special projects. They keep a specific percentage of the collected sales tax in that fund and use it when needed. The remaining portion of the sales tax revenue goes to the general fund.

What is Sales Tax used for? Frequently Asked Questions


1. Where does most sales tax money go?

Most sales tax money goes to the general fund. This fund is used to finance infrastructure, public health, transportation, education, and environmental safety projects.

2. What are the 3 common things taxes are used for?

The three common things taxes are used for are healthcare, education, and social security.

3. Are there any states with no sales tax?

Yes, four states, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, have no state sales tax. Additionally, Alaska has no state sales tax, but the local government charges local sales tax. However, these states might have other taxes that are imposed on businesses. You must understand the tax obligations for each state with no sales tax before setting up your business there.

4. Which states have the highest sales tax?

California, Indiana, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Tennessee have the highest sales tax rates. You can check out the current highest and lowest sales tax rates by state here.

5. Who collects sales tax?

The retailer/seller collects sales tax directly from the consumers and remits it to the government. Even if you buy something online, you pay sales tax on it if it is taxable. Read this ecommerce sales tax guide to understand the tax collection process.

Get Complexity out of Sales Tax Compliance

Besides managing a full-fledged business, sales tax collection and remittance can get complicated, but automation can help. Connect with TaxHero by booking a call and learn how we can streamline your sales tax compliance.